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송라윤 프로필 사진
송라윤 (Song, Rhayun)   이메일아이콘


충남대학교 간호학 학사
서울대학교 간호학 석사
스토니부룩 뉴욕주립대학 Family Nurse Practitioner 석사후과정
미국 케이스웨스턴리저브대학 박사


만성질환 운동중재
인지 타이치프로그램
행동수정과 동기


1. Hwang I., Song R., Ahn S., Lee M-A., Wayne P.M., Sohn M. K. Exploring the adaptability of Tai Chi to stroke rehabilitation. Rehabil Nurs, 2019;44(4):221-229. 
2. Song R., Moorhead S., Ahn S., Oh H. Validation of the cardiac health behavior scale for Korean adults with cardiovascular risks or diseases. Appl Nurs Res, 2018;39:252-258.
3. Hall D. L., Luberto  C. M., Philpotts L. L., Song R., Park E. R., Yeh, G. Y. Mind‐body interventions for fear of cancer recurrence: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Psycho‐Oncology. 2018;2018:2546-2558.
4. Luberto C. M., Shinday N., Song R., Philpotts L. L., Park E. R., Fricchione G. L., Yeh G. Y. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of meditation on empathy, compassion, and pro-social behaviors. Mindfulness, 2018;9(3):708-724.
5. Wayne P. M., Song R., Carlson L. E. E., Ligibel J., Osypiuk K., Novakowski J., Lee M. S. Tai Chi and Qigong for cancer-related symptoms and quality of life: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Cancer Surviv, 2018;12(2):256-267. 
6. Choi Y. S., Song R., Gu B. J. Effects of a Tai Chi based health promotion program on metabolic syndrome markers, health behaviors, and quality of life in middle-aged male office workers: A randomized trial. J Altern Complement Med, 2017;23(12):949-956.
7. Song R., Grabowska W., Park M., Osypiuk K., Vergara-Diaz G. P., Bonato P. et al. The impact of Tai Chi and Qigong mind-body exercises on motor and non-motor function and quality of life in Parkinson’s disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Parkinsonism Relat Disord, 2017;410:3-13. 
8.Jang Y. M., Song R. Structural equation modeling on successful aging in elders with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease based on selection-optimization-compensation strategy. J Korean Acad Nurs, 2017;47(4):488-498. 
9.Park M., Song R., Jeong J. Effect of goal attainment theory based education program on cardiovascular risks, behavioral modification, and quality of life among patients with first episode of acute myocardial infarction: Randomized study. Int J Nurs Stud, 2017;71:8-16.